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Long Pasture Aquatic Explorations Cruises


Long Pasture Wildlife Sanctuary and Hy-Line Cruises have partnered to offer two-hour family-friendly Aquatic Explorations Cruises on Nantucket Sound. These programs are perfect for kids and adults who want to explore Cape Cod’s waters and encounter sea creatures.

Search beneath the waves of Nantucket Sound for fascinating marine life including dogfish sharks, black sea bass, scup, spider crabs, squid, calico crabs, pipefish, and glowing comb jellyfish.

Using trawl nets, fish pots, and plankton tows, Long Pasture Naturalists will use hands-on science to talk about the creatures that come onboard.

Long Pasture's Aquatic Explorations Cruises take place on the Hy-Line's Sea Swan and leave from the Ocean Street Dock in Hyannis.